Hey GDQs
Ah, been a WHOLE minute here
Or make that TWO WHOLE MONTHS!!! ðŸ¤
Even though I honestly needed it, I ought to have said it BEFORE going AWOL
A lot has happened since I last wrote here, including my 35th birthday and party

Programs here and there at #JesusGirlsFitness

We even launched the wild website https://thewild.ng/

And many more.
Good news is, I am BACK and super excited to be.
This August, by God’s grace, expect weekly blogs here, and more amazing things from my other blogs and websites
Can’t wait to get things rolling.
God bless you and thank you for tracking with me.
Oh, and one final thing, join our mailing list because we will be sending out weekly emails too by God’s grace
See you somewhere online
With so much ‘great-to-be-back’ LOVE