Hello GDQ,
Yeeeeeeh…it’s another Feedback Friday, today, we get to hear feedback from one of our Domestic Queen again whom I was privileged to mentor of recent, please meet my sister and friend Omotoyosi Lawson as she shares her mentoring journey in this blog post.

6 weeks of resetting, 6 weeks of practical life style change,6 weeks of growth,6 weeks of impartation.
I can go on and on and on.This 6 weeks has being A-Amazing.
Before the mentorship program,I was at a very bad state in my life.A major plan had just failed coupled with other things that had failed on the past. I was just tired and going crazy on anger I just hated myself.
My life wasn’t where I want it to be,my spiritual life was not in existence,my physical life ,emotional life and every other life that there is were all in shambles. I needed a ray of hope and the mentorship program was it.
The very first thing I learnt was that you do not have an excuse for ignorance.
There are thousands of available knowledge for you to tap into around us especially in today’s tech world (its just a button away).
And Especially as Christian, there are 10,000 teachers out there for us,all we need is the Holy spirit to lead us to our teachers for every season of our life as soon as we as ready.
Through prayer and the Holy spirit I got my teachers for this season and I am still leaning into them.
Next was on spritual life I went from NON-EXISTENCE to SWEET.I started praying, then praying with the word.
I learnt that praying with word is key to an effective prayer life.For every prayer life,there is an anchor scripture(its my sword in my prayer battle).
Then I learnt to pray about everything, this I had a bit of struggle with and I still have to consciously do it.I now carry God along in every of my activity. From market runs to making decisions in my domestic affairs, to dealing with kids and hubby even in house chores.
I also learnt about confessions and I can tell you it’s being effective.It is practically speaking things you want to see in your life into existence daily.
I know I use to struggle with house chores,I hated it with passion and part of my confession is that I serve my home as unto God doing it with all my heart not grudgingly. The result has being positive…its no longer a burden.I have confessions for my, kids, husband and my life.

I also learnt to manage distractions.I had to delete my Instagram and Twitter app on my phone.That was how it applied to me,social media was a huge distraction. I do not feel like I am missing anything.
One thing that I also learnt was that knowing who you are and what God has said about you is a major key in handling distractions. Now i know who I am in this season and I am holding unto God and trusting him throughout this season.
So it doesn’t matter what anyone has to say, am keepng my focus fully on God and what he has in store for me.
Planning and productivity was part of the program, which caps it all.Now I am all for intentional living.
Planning is key to a productive life.I know I cannot achieve much in life without proper plan and it starts with planning my day. Every minute and second count. I plan my prayer time, Bible study, domestic activity, personal work into my day at the early hours. Allocating time to every activity according to priority.

With planning my day I am able to achieve a lot unlike before.Now there is a structure to everything, Not saying I am perfect but I am a working work in progress. Especially as a work from home mom, now I have a hold of my day.
After prayers, next is planning my day, plans that can’t fit into a day goes into the next. I also learn to use my fringe hours better like doing two activity simultaneously, I cean the house and pray or listen to a message.I am also looking forward to getting better and better.
Overall, the mentorship program was a life intervention to me, it couldn’t have come at a better time.God bless you coach.This seed you have sown fell on the right ground and with the help of the HolySpirit it is bringing forth the best of fruits. You made a mark on my heart, a special place is reserved for you there……love you so much and God bless you.
Trust you were immensely blessed by this feedback from Omotoyosi, please feel free to share and send your feedback.