How I met DDK and my motherhood game changed forever (and how yours can change too).

Saturday, April 16, 2016 is one day that I will never forget, not just in date but in impact.

Actually, April 2016 is one month that completely changed the trajectory of my life.

How I met DDK and my motherhood game changed forever (and how yours can change too).

Friday, April 1, I encountered the woman that is PDDK for the very first time, and as she spoke about Jael in Judges 4 and how despite being a Stay at home mom, found her way into the Bible’s hall of fame, and everything shifted in me.
She quickly layered on that two days later, a teaching about Abigail, once Nabal the fool’s wife, and how her wisdom as a woman not only saved her life but got her married to David.

That Warrior In Heels conference was hosted by my mama Pastor Mildred who I was recently with in Kenya for the Just Us Girls Conference, Fun trip and her all-white birthday dinner.

It was on Sunday evening, April 3, 2016 after Day 2 of Warrior in Heels that my mama looked at her baby girl and said ‘I think you and DDK need to be connected’ and she proceeds to give me her number and email, telling me to reach out to her, and today eight years later, those two meetings that then catapulted me into PDDK’s life are encounters I would never forget.

That same April, as I leaned into following PDDK, I then saw she had a meeting called PROPHETIC MOTHERHOOD and of course, I was there, with an army of women I had mobilized via my blog

That’s the Saturday, April 16, 2016 I will never forget.
I did three blog posts off that meeting and I will share some snippets from those blogs with the links to the full blogs if you wanna dive deeper.

What PDDK said at Prophetic Motherhood

It is staying on my knees until I see in the physical all that God has told me in my spirit. You have to pray mama. What is keeping you awake to breastfeed better be strong enough to keep you awake to PRAY, and in tongues too. I mean, moms know that if your baby wants you awake, up and pacing at 2am, you go do am. So you better be up and pacing in prayers too because YOU CAN!!! (plus the devil is not playing with you. What is confronting us is SERIOUS BUSINESS).

Don’t let Disney Junior and Nickelodeon raise your kids. You need to download from heaven the blueprint to raise each one of them.

The moment when your kids sleep at night is critical. When the world around is quiet, their spirit is very sensitive so that is a good time to put your hands on their chest/head and start to speak LIFE into their spirit. Pray that you receive favor with their caregivers i.e. nannies, home help, teachers in school and church, etc. Mama, you cannot be everywhere, even if you are a FT stay at home mom. You need to overtake their caregivers by the Spirit to be full of love, wisdom and faith- unable to do them harm!!!
Click Here To Read More

What Pastor Dotun Arifalo Said

As a woman, you can NOT afford to be weak!!! You birth what you are. It is in your genes, strength or weakness. A weak woman will birth weak children. A strong woman will birth strong children. Raising a child is like raising an ARMY!!! You have to be STRONG!!!
Ok, you need to go back and read that again!!!
Good Lord!!! Woman, YOU BIRTH WHO YOU ARE!!!

She said the reason some of us are not running to our parents a lot is that they are not mentor figures to us. We just grew up. We were not RAISED!!!
There’s nothing really to learn from them. (and that’s not a reason to not visit ooo). You mama, have to live your life in such a way that generations after you can NOT forget you. You know how the Bible says ‘…one generation shall tell the next of YOUR faithfulness…’ Ehen. Let one generation tell the next generation that there was an Eziaha who no one can stop talking about.
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What Nneka Kyari Said

GUARD YOUR HEART. She needed a PURE heart. It is only on the platform of a pure heart that God does the miraculous. Holiness is very key in receiving the password of your life. She used the story of Jesus who even when He was persecuted, He forgave and kept His heart clean and then He could do the IMPOSSIBLE… Rise from the dead. From a pure heart, you can hear God speak to you.

…Most goals in life do NOT have to take FOREVER. If I didn’t focus and give this battle the RIGHT attention, I may have still been waiting till today…’
Click Here To Read More

April 2016 was certainly a RED LETTER MONTH for me as a stay at home Mom. The 38-year old woman I am is all thanks to God that made that month such an encounter for me.

And if you are a Domestic Queen reading this, then congratulations!!! October 2024 is about to be a red-letter month for you too. My friend and sister, Racheal Ogbidi is hosting sweet stay at home moms to a virtual 3-week intensive academy which starts October 14, 2024

Here’s the link to register for just N10,000. Please make this investment in yourself Mom and let’s rock out life at home together.

I’ll be at the Opening session and I would love love love to have you there.

And did you know my kids and I wrote a WEAPON? Yes the WELLNESS CHAMPIONS BOOK is available today and all the details to grab a copy are in the flier below.

Talk soon,

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