Hey Queens,
And I do mean God’s Domestic Queens
Gosh, I love that name. It qualifies me in the ONLY way I wanna be qualified and with the only name I wanna be identified with.
Books hold such a world of wisdom and I’m bringing back this goodie post from 2019. Enjoy Queens!

So a couple of people ask me how I do manage to read so much and also write so much.
That reading (input) and writing (output) balance is so key in my life that I would feel really off if I wasn’t doing both. Plus it is a major part of what I have been called to do on earth. Teach the Word through my writing and the one person in the Bible I really lean into is Ezra. And if I am going to write right, I have to be reading wide too. I provide content for at least 5 blogs/websites and 4 social media pages. Phew.
Plus reading just really expands my mind, keeps my mental faculty going and allows me hold really intelligent conversations outside of domestic stuff. Every month, I try to read at least 4 books. This month, for some reason, I read 7.
The Seer by Jim Goll. A book on the prophetic that has really sharpened my prophetic edge
Silent seasons and The Pressure trap by Heather Lindsey. Really loved the pressure trap
Free to focus, a book on productivity by Michael Hyatt.
Girl Entrepreneur by my business mentor, Ibukun Awosika
Secrets of the millionaire mind by T.Harv Eker, which BLEW my mind (I will be reading it every month for a while)
And Digital minimalism by my new bessfren Cal Newport as I really am minimalizing social media and all.
So how do I manage to get all my reading done?
Here are a few hacks that I hope work for you
- I don’t consider reading or writing leisure. You know how we say reading and writing are hobbies, for me they are not. They are a major part of my daily to-do list. As in if you check out my planner, you see that I write it down as part of what I must do daily. That mindset allows you make room for it intentionally.
2. I use a countdown timer. This one hack I learned in DEEP WORK, another book by Newport. So I set the timer for 30mins or one hour and I start reading. I don’t move an inch, check my phone, go and pee or talk to anyone until the timer beeps. It does take some getting used to but ultimately, you do. I also do that when I am writing and researching. DEEP WORK is required for some kind of mental engagement so that timer thing works for me. For example now, to write this blog, I set up the countdown for 45mins. Seeing it tick tock forces my brain and mind into a deeper level of concentration.
3. I read a combo of hardcopy, eBooks and audio books. This one here is a game changer. All Heather’s books are audio for me. I use the audio books app and then your first book is free. I actually just keep changing my cards and email addresses so I keep getting free books lol. For some reason too, they also give me free credits haha. So when I run, or maybe I dey kitchen or so, I let the audio books play and when I hit a salient point, I write it down (more on that later).
Then eBooks mean that everywhere I go, so far I have my phone, I can catch up on reading. I highlight and bookmark the important things I need to recall and the apps I use (my app which we are in the process of rebuilding and then Kobo books) both allow me see where I stored all my highlights so I can always refer. Then hard copy books too.
This is usually the least lol as I prefer eBooks but for days when I don’t need a screen, I do hardcopy. With these three options, I always get reading done even if the kids are screaming or housework wants to finish me, or I am breastfeeding, one must fly.

4. Reading is one thing and applying is another. So I have this book where I write down the salient points from all my reads AND how I intend to apply them. I then often go back to check it and sometimes too, I take it to my prayer place and pray with it because we need the Holy spirit to throw more light on it and give wisdom.
That way too, I don’t need to be looking everywhere in the book for that one point. Of course we all know that not everything in a book is important (to the reader), so once you find ‘meat; or ‘gold’, write it down. If I am running for example and the audio book highlights something,
I make a mental note to write it down once I am in, or I stop and do a voice note to myself so I don’t forget.
5. Finally, I keep myself accountable. You can actually get someone to keep you accountable, maybe have a reading partner or so. I really don’t need one, so I do this thing of having a score board right at my workspace.
For example, there are three things I must do daily until December 31, 2019. One of which is reading per my line of business for at least 30mins. So I keep ticking and ticking every day I do it and because I hate to see gaps, I discipline myself to do it.
Seeing my progress gives me more fuel to keep going. If you have a reading buddy, you both can keep each other accountable.

As a bonus, I truly believe in the wisdom in books. I once heard a wise woman say that books are a condensation of a man’s finest moments. I agree. When I speak, I may be having a bad day and won’t give my best, but most writers would only write at their finest hours so what is written is usually more powerful than what was said.
I take recommendations from my mentors, teachers, I pray that I bump into wise recommendations from random persons online and more. I don’t just read, I am led when I read. That way I get maxi mum benefit from it and I am motivated to read again
So what is on my reading list for September?
Ok I have quite a bit but I am hoping to read at least 5
People fuel by Townsend. It really is a book on managing relationships and boundaries. Not really wisdom I need now so it is tentative.
Ta audio tho. Recommended by my Leadership mentor Craig Groeschel
Business by the Book recommended by Mrs. Awosika. Would be an eBook
Any book on LOVE as my LOVE game is being challenged and needs to be deepened. I will get it from Laterna
Bringing up boys by James Dobson. Have not yet finished it.
Small biz Big money by Otunba Akin Alabi. Both books are eBooks
Global brands; how they started. Would be a hardcopy
Fervent by Priscilla Shirer. Imagine that I am yet to read that book. Phew
So would pick from these. The idea is there is a spiritual book, business book, leadership book, parenting book and any other thing the Lord has highlighted that I need to work on.
Already mentioned that I will be reading Harv Eker’s Millionaire mind monthly for a bit so that too. Need to break into some mad financial level and it happens first in the mind.
Ok so that’s it.
I pray that you are led to the right books, finding time to read and are applying the wisdom in the books you read.
Plus even if money is a problem, just ask your community for eBooks. So many people have eBooks flying around. Just put it on your whatsapp status and you just may find someone who will have a book for you.
I would also like to send you Fervent and more books if you like so you can choose. I have quite a few and I can’t list them all out here. It is now for you to be disciplined enough to read.
If you have something you want me to write about, please let me know in the comments. Or any more questions per books
Love you and always praying for you