Hey Darlings, Yaaaay I am SOOOOO excited and thankful that we are kicking off our GDQ mentoring academy, the first for 2021 NEXT WEEK. QueenD and I have been planning for the Queens we get to rock out life with for the next 12weeks, and I am especially excited because…
Hey Queens Oh gosh, if you missed the email I sent out this week, honey you MISSED!!! You need to jump in on our mailing list like RIGHT NOW http://eepurl.com/geTEcr I send out amazing content as God lays on my heart weekly, and MOST of it will not find its way…
It was the book, Free To Focus by Michael Hyatt, that taught me how to use simple hacks to help my productivity. He had all these shortcuts on his keyboard, especially for repetitive tasks, so instead of typing fresh text every time, he could type ACC and his full account…