Hi Queens, I have taken over GDQ Eziaha’s blog todayyyy 💃. Don’t worry though, you’d know who is talking at the end😊
I come in peace and with goooooooood newsssss💃💃
Guess what?
A super-fabulous, thought shifting and culture smashing CHILD NUTRITION POST just got published on our health and fitness blog..
CoachE’Kids…TWO money & health saving tips for moms
Hmmm! CoachE’ ( many of us know as GDQ Eziaha here) smashed tables that most of us are comfortably sitting on, in that post.. Me inclusive!
I first felt attacked oo, I will not even liee😂, and then I felt convinced..! Oh gosh! God will just continue to use her to give us sense oo, amen!
Wondering what the post is about? You should be.. Haha… Read on..
“You know, one of the things I am doing recently is checking my WHYssssss. Why do I do what I do?
Am I being led by ancient tradition, popular culture, or the SWEET Holy Spirit?
And this cuts across board – my parenting, diet, friendships, cooking, etx – because sometimes we just go with the flow, AND the danger with the flow is that God is NOT always there.
For example, I USED to use maggi (COME ON JESUS for PAST TENSE, USED, because your girl quit on Maggi and all other MSGs)”
Hmmm… abi?.. Continue reading 😊 . This next part ehhn, I actually read it over and over again..
“Why do we think we have to use BUTTER, PEANUT BUTTER, JAM, MAYONNAISE, CHOCOLATE SPREAD and the likes for our babies’ bread?
Because we DO NOT!!!
The only reason we think so is because advertising companies and manufacturers have well-curated ads to help us think it is the cool and right thing to do.
But it is not.
They can eat bread LIKE THAT.
They do NOT need a spread.
I used to give some spreads before VERY SPARSELY but then after some time I quit. I was doing it because it felt like the natural thing to do.
Buy bread, then give it with peanut butter or jam or chocolate spread. We were mostly raised that way…”
Enjoying that?
Read full post here;
#CoachE’Kids…TWO money & health saving tips for moms
Meanwhile, you know you should camp out at www.coache.ng/blog right? We churn out richhh content regularly!
Cheers to being better and doing better!
Yours in awe of this super-amazing GDQ,
Of course, it’s meeeeee😊

Looking to shed off FAT or bring healthy back?
Sign up our second half of the year FAT LOSS program… HARPAZO!!!

Read more about Harpazo here
Gan-Raveh different kind of DETOX

Read more details about Gan-Raveh here
GAN-RAVEH… CoachE’s Well watered DETOX Garden
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Aside from this blog that we run for stay-at-home moms, there are two other blogs;
Eziaha.com a faith-based where Coach blogs about faith, friendship and mentoring.
coache.ng/blog, where she share regularly tips on fitness, weight loss and all things HEALTHY.