LagosMums interviewed Eziaha Bolaji-Olojo. She is a Food and Fitness Coach and CEO at CoachE’Squad Ltd, a thriving home-based business where she serves Jesus and Fitness to the world. She also holds regular meetings called POWWOW with E’ for Stay at home moms. Read as she tells us more about herself.

Please introduce yourself and tell us about your beautiful family
Hey everyone, and thank you to LM team for having me. My name is Eziaha Bolaji-Olojo, 32, married for 5years and I have 2 boys. KingDaveed and ElJohn.

Fun fact is that in University of Ibadan, I failed out of pharmacy school after 4 years, and finally studied Sociology and graduated not just with a First Class but was best graduating student, haha. Again, I went through a joyless fruitless depressed season after I had my first baby and had to quit my job at the United Nations to be a Stay at home mum, so gained 30kg.
Then God helped my life and I lost 30kg in about 4months, and now I get to help more women set fat on fire and bring healthy back through my Christian Fitness company, CoachE’Squad Ltd. It’s incredible and I am thankful for all the twists and turns that have brought me here and that even lay in my future. Bring it on!!!
Tell us about Pow Wow with E and the reason/idea behind it’s inception.
Because I was so depressed and I saw God literally save me from totally spiraling down that path, I understand what it means to think your life counts for nothing cos all you do is change diapers and care for your family, while the whole world has a life building a career and more.
What just started as me wanting to encourage my sisters, having been encouraged myself, to find joy in this season, fully immerse, bear fruit and flip the pity party for a fruitful party right at home, has turned into this. I get to host regular meetings for stay at home moms to achieve this and also share on my Instagram
What challenges do you face as a mum and what challenges do you see mums facing today?
Balancing the many facets of my life and making sure that I bear fruit on every assignment God has given me. This can often lead to guilt especially when one is suffering, so now I have learned and am still learning that balance sometimes looks like letting one part be on the low-key while giving more time to another for a season, and getting all the help I need on this journey.
For instance, we are planning a December meeting for Domestic Queens (my term for stay at home moms) and for that to happen, my fitness business has to suffer a little. Some days, to crack a project, I may need to stay locked in and away from my kids for some time so I can fully maximize the hours. And then weekends, I have learned to lose my work phone so I can be full on mommy and wife. Balance is such a fine dance and I am learning the steps.
I think most women also have to struggle with this, and then comparison with other mums/women. A battle I find myself fighting daily, both with the Word of God and my actions.
How did you get inspiration for Pow Wow with E
Because my life changed radically and I was seeing people go through even less than I did go through yet giving up, I knew it was time to encourage my sisters. The same God that helped me can help them, and so it started. I want every Domestic Queen to see this season as the BEST season of their lives right now. With a perspective change, anything is possible.

Who should attend and what should we expect?
Every stay at home mum is welcome to all our meetings. The one for December is closed though but the next would be announced on our platform, so please follow us to get details on
How can stay at home mums connect with Pow Wow with E?
Blog is
And if you check out Bella Naija website, I contribute regularly, writing to stay at home moms (Just search for my name Eziaha Bolaji-Olojo)

Name 3 things you think stay at home mums need to be successful with 21st century parenting.
1. Time management (without a doubt)
2. A sound spiritual life (prayers worship, Word)
3. Social media management (I had moments of completely logging out of social media sites to find myself)
Tell us what you love about #LagosMums and how #LagosMums has been of help/use to you.
I am only just discovering LagosMums and so haven’t fully immersed. However, thank you for the platform.
This interview was first published on LagosMums blog in March 2019. Loved it.