In this part of the world, and really for most of us social beings, it is only right that when visiting a family, especially one with kids, especially for the FIRST time, you buy a little something for the kids. However, most of us have been schooled to buy biscuits, chocolates, ice cream, packaged sugary/fizzy drinks, puff-puff, buns, egg rolls, and all kinds of junk as the norm. My goal in this blog is to turn convention on its head and educate you on a better healthier way. Let’s flip that script, Baby.
Hey Moms,
It was a weekday evening and I was about to retire to bed when my husband’s MBA colleague was coming in for an impromptu tutorial for an assignment due that night. It was her first time in my home and after I let her in, I excused myself and retired to sleep. I vaguely heard her tell my husband that she got something for the kids and his gratitude.
As expected, when I woke up, I saw the package on my table. Of course, my kids had gone to bed at the time she came, and hubby knows that I am a hawk LITERALLY about what my kids consume, hence his dropping on my table.
I opened it and expected to see biscuits as usual, but I saw PRINGLES and M&M’s. My kids had NEVER had pringles and I wasn’t about to start a war I couldn’t fight.
Gosh, I was SO HAPPY my kids were not awake yet to ask me a gazillion questions, so I quickly took it out of sight.
But it wasn’t out of mind. Honestly all day and for days, I kept thinking of how we can re-educate people away from this very unhealthy culture of gifting children MAJOR JUNK.
My heart was literally breaking, because we think it is the kind and even ajebo thing to do, and even loving, but it really is destructive and even worse, it perpetuates and cements the kind of habits and lifestyle we NEVER want our kids to get schooled in. Of course you know that junk and unhealthy foods can be addictive so we can literally set up our kids to be unhealthy, sick adults in the future by these seemingly small actions.
In fact, I thought against giving it out just yet, and when I want to pray for my business (I run a food and fitness company which you can follow here), I just put it in front of me as a Monument of sorts, asking God to show me how we can change this dangerous norm.

I believe one of the answers to my prayers is this blog, so lets share 5 options that kids would love from you as a Guest.And I would, if you will, like to enlist you as a fellow WARRIOR on this fight against JUNKIFYING our kids, so don’t just read, share with your fellow moms and sisters, even singles, so that as we know better, we do better. Something little but can make a HUGE difference both for now, and especially for the future.Let’s go. Please note that my list is NOT exhaustive. Just a guide. Also note that I am sort of focusing on Nigeria situation and with a budget under N5,000. Some Western countries definitely have many many wider options, and some countries just have different. Hopefully, this guide helps.
1.Sweet Finger Fruits
I especially love this category because while junk food can be pricey, we have some fancy, pricey fruits too. Like strawberries, grapes, dried fruits, berries, raisins, and the likes.They are sweet, colorful, and bursting with nutrients. If you live in Nigeria, REEL FRUITS has this dried fruits collection that just works a treat. Pricey I would say, but hey, you wanted to buy Pringles remember?
2. Nuts
This is another great choice for kids, and honestly, I think we should give kids more nuts because as we grow, we have to portion control it and all.
So go ahead and grab a bottle of groundnut, cashew nut, and even almond nuts. There are also more fancy mixed nuts in major supermarkets. Just be sure to stay away from anything coated, or filled with preservatives. The plainer the better. Nuts are already sweet on their own and kids would LOVE it.
3. Regular Fruits
You know, like pineapples, bananas, apples, pears, mangoes, etx.
This would especially work if you have a leaner budget but don’t wanna appear empty handed. Just make sure that they are already ripe and yummy, not quarter to spoil, or small and bitter lol.
4. Plain Biscuits
And if the budget is even smaller and you want to just get something last minute, plain biscuits also work. Like plain crackers, coaster and Cabin if you live in Nigeria.
Please don’t buy all those with cream and chocolate in the middle and all. Keep it plain and simple. They can pair it with nuts and have a great time with it.
Oh this one will literally cost you NOTHING, or maybe very little in terms of money and then your time. You could buy a simple educational or play gift and then get on the floor, devoting 30mins if you can, to engaging in play with them.
TRUST ME, most kids will LOVE IT. My kids will. Now, this is entirely up to you, but stuff from poster colors, to drawing books and pens, puzzles and the likes can make you the winner of AUNTY OF THE YEAR.
So, that is all from me for this blog. Definitely not exhaustive.
Like I said, this is such a GLOBAL PANDEMIC that if we don’t fight now, we will just perpetuate sickness for our kids, if not now, in the future.
And no, don’t say they should take it once in a while. Don’t be the one who fills that gap. There are MANY other people who have yet to read this blog and they will fill that gap, so be the one fighting for a better HEALTHY legacy for our precious ones.
And with some grace, keep educating guests both in words and by example a better way. Let your home be the last home they bring junk to.
Let me end with one of my fave scriptures …
Romans 12 v 2 MSG
“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.”
Let’s flip that script, Sister
Cheers… to the health, present and future, of our babies.
I know it can be hard to make these healthy FitFam swaps, which is why I did this post on my Fitness blog on Swapping unhealthy for healthy?
5 sure ways to WIN, SUSTAIN and ENJOY the ride.
You really will enjoy it, so read and share.
Are you tired of having a Boring Personal Bible Study? Then I have a post to move you from Boring to a Bible study life that you really enjoy and help you grow. Please read and share