If you have been looking for the Devotional to help you raise kids who love Jesus and have good manners, then say ‘Thank you Jesus’, and Hello to #BoysOlorun, The Devotional for raising kids who LOVE Jesus and are well-behaved. I am too excited to serve you this one and we’re doing this Q&A style. Let’s go!!!

- What is #BoysOlorun all about?
So the name is credited to my husband. Sometime in 2020, I developed a prayer model for my kids, which they took to so well and I even shared with us on the blog here. I named it #BoysOlorun after I heard my husband call them same one day.
Even though the name has boys in it, it really is for all kids, boys and girls, up to 10 years, or even 12. Drawing from the Bible, I share Courses that when you discuss with your kids, both grounds them in the faith, and good solid manners. It’s like 2 for the price of 1. Below, I give a sneak peek into 2 of the Courses.
- How long can I use the Devotional?
#BoysOlorun is a one year devotional. I created it in such a way that you can cover the whole courses over the course of a year and without pressure. This is exactly how I use it with my kids. As with most things, and depending on the age or capacity of your kids and what topics you think need more focus, you could go slower or faster. You don’t even have to follow my Course sequence. Feel free to customize it to suit your kids unique needs. Plus you have access to it for life, as long as the App is online.
- How can I access #BoysOlorun?
Exclusively on my brand new Book Reader App called E’Zivah. It is available on both Android and Apple store so no matter where in the world you are, you can access it. However, as a proponent of raising ‘Low-screen Kids’, you don’t have to use it on the phone with your kids. Like I share in the Devo, you need a White Board preferably, or cardboard papers, so you can write out the lessons weekly, and teach your kids from there. Plus when you place that strategically at home, you can have spontaneous teaching moments referring to it, without whipping out a Screen. Yes, we are taking home schooling to the next godly level.
- How much is #BoysOlorun?
#BoysOlorun is currently N5000/$9.99. You can pre-order it here so you can get access to the #MomsOlorun Hangout (more on that below). Depending on when you are reading this, I would have a 48hour flash sale on Sunday, August 14th and Monday, August 15th, 2022 from 12am to 11:59pm where you can get 40% off and pay N3,000/$5.99. You can use the code BOYSOLORUN to get that discount on those days if you read this before then.
- What does the Devotional content look like?
Like I said in the Author’s note
‘…I think we have been unkind to our kids, even from a young age, by focusing on teaching them like babies, and insulting their current intelligence and capacity. No offence to child-friendly Bible stories and cartoons, but the devil upgraded his machinery a long time ago into very sophisticated armory, so if all we are teaching our kids about the Kingdom is based on cartoons and babyish learnings, your model is outdated and you will be elegantly destroyed by the enemy. It is time to upgrade, dear Parents, and #BoysOlorun is your Upgrade Manual….’
Here are 3 of the 7 C’s each Devotional focus would feature:
Course: This is the topic to be discussed.
Consumables: This is the Bible verses or Chapter to be read, or consumed.
Contemplation: This forms the basis for conversation based on number 1 and 2 above.
Culture: Here you relate what has been read to morales and behavior.
Creed: This is the verse to memorize
Confession: A short, easy-to-remember-and-repeat mantra adapted from scripture usually.
Coach: Here, I speak directly to the parent on how to get the best out of this Course.
So it is not a Devotional for kids or for moms alone, but a Devotional for Parents to help raise their kids to love Jesus and have good solid manners. So you can’t just hand it to them, nah. You have to use it with them. I curated it in such a way that creates spiritual and moral bonding time between parents and kids, and gives everyone teaching and learning moments all day, week, month and year long, then repeat.
- Can I have a sneak peek?
Of course!
Here is what one of the Courses look like:
Course: Showing Respect: Greeting others
Consumables: 1 Corinthians 16: 19-21.
“The churches in Asia send you their greetings. Aquila, Priscilla and their house-church also say ‘hello’ to you. All the brothers and sisters here send their greetings. Pass the greetings around with holy hugs. And I Paul, in my own handwriting send you my special greetings.”
In scripture, when angels appeared to people, and letters were written to people/churches, they took some time to greet them before passing the message across, and also ended with a greeting. We see it when the Angel came to Mary to tell her about Jesus, and in the letters written to both people and churches in the New testament.
Greeting others shows that you are a good, well-mannered child, and also shows respect for them. You should greet your parents, your teachers, your extended family members, parents friends, and anyone you have cause to speak to. Always greet, and where appropriate, with a holy kiss and hug. Greeting is not complete until the person has heard you and acknowledged or responded to your greeting. Don’t mumble or rush when you greet. Instead you must slow down, smile speak out loud, and maintain eye to eye or eye to forehead contact, not looking downwards. For your friends and peers, you can say ‘Hi, or Hello’ but for older people, you must greet based on the time of the day, while adding either the persons name, or appropriate title. For example, Good morning mummy, Good afternoon Mrs. Tope or Uncle Tayo, Good evening Sir/Ma/Ma’am. Even if an adult says hello, you should respond this way, and not Hello.
Creed: Luke 1 v 28a “Hello Mary, Greetings! The Lord is with you!”
I am polite. I am respectful. I greet my parents, friends, and elders.
Coach: Teach your kids that greeting is not optional. It is compulsory. In addition to showing respect, it also helps them develop their social skills. Create and sustain a culture around greeting, including reward and punishments. If they forget, then make them go back and do it everytime. Don’t get tired, as I can tell you first hand, that it can be tiring and annoying to keep saying ‘Did you greet?’ but keep doing it. One day, they will habituate it.
The end!!!
Ok let’s do one more Course. This is SO good right? I meaaaaaan
Course: Gratitude
Consumables: Psalm 103 v 1-5.
Gratitude is expressing thankfulness by saying THANK YOU. In the scripture we read above, we see the Psalmist expressing gratitude for the good that has been cone to Him by God. Some of the good things came from other men, but it all came from God. This is why we must say thank you to God first and other humans. Sometimes God does things directly for us, like giving us life, good health, and peace. Many times, He does it through men, like mummy and daddy, like the food we eat, the cloths we wear, home we live in and more. So whenever any one does something kind and nice to me, you must say thank you. You should thank God directly, thank God for the people He uses, and also thank them directly. If I don’t do this, I am being ungrateful and entitled, and may lose the blessing.
Culture: There are many people who are very entitled and ungrateful everywhere, but you are not one of them. For little things and big things, from your friends, younger ones, older ones, or from God directly, you must say thank you with a smile, maintaining eye to eye or forehead contact immediately, and where possible, before you start using it.
When you are grateful, people will like you and even give you more things. Above all, God loves grateful people.
Creed: 1 Thess 5 v 18. “Always be thankful in all things. This is what God wants for His children.”
Confession: I always say THANK YOU.
Coach: Its natural for kids to be entitled, especially for things that they receive at home. You are after all their parent. So it is your work as the parent to insist on a culture of gratitude at home, by not only teaching it intentionally, but also modelling it loudly within and outside the home. Let your children see you show gratitude to them and everyone around you, and it is easy for them to habituate it.
Ok, that’s all. Find the rest in the Devotional.
- When can I have access to the full book?
#BoysOlorun launches on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, on my Reader App, E’Zivah which launches same day. When you pre-order, you will get access to it automatically on that day.
- What is the E’Zivah Reader App?
E’Zivah is my eBook reader app that allows you to enjoy an amazing reading experience on your phone, Tab or Web if you prefer. You would need to create your user account and password to gain access and you can even buy the book on the app anytime from September 6, 2022, and you get access to it immediately.
All my other books, free and paid will also find a home on the App, and that is such a prayer answered for me hehe. I have a couple more devotionals there you would love.
Will update this post with the link to download for Apple and Android devices when we go live, and if you are on my mailing list or you pre-order, you will get it in your inbox.
You especially should pre-order so you have access to our #MomsOlorun hangout.
This is a virtual hangout for moms especially, but men are welcome. I know that a lot of us usually have questions and need wisdom on some matters relating to raising our kids for God, so in addition to telling you how best to enjoy the devotional with your kids, plus all the tips I use for mine, I will also answer your questions live online when you join. Your access into the Zoom hangout will be purchasing the devotional, of course before the date, which is Thursday, September 1, 2022 evening, WAT.
- Tell me more about the #MomsOlorun hangout.
Pre-orders are over but you can get it now and gain immediate access.
And I will update this with the link to the App just before the launch date.
If you have any more Qs, please feel free to drop a line here in the comments. And if you need to speak to a member of my team, contact Tolu on whatsapp: +234 816 374 5925
So, are you ready?
Are you excited?
Are you a #MomsOlorun raising Boys and Girls Olorun?
Then Sis, let’s do this!!!
Gratefully & Prayerfully,
Queen Eziaha