Happy new month Queens. I am super excited about August. I took some time to review my half year in July, and then review my July the first few days of August, and I am just so thankful for the elegant and orderly life I am stewarding; one which I…
One minute, you are 100% sure of the decision you made. The next minute, something happens that causes you to wander and stagger. Should you dial back and change, or should you stay resolute in your decisions? The dilemma is real, but keep on reading, for some practical tips on…
Hello Queen! One of the best decision I made this year was to get onboard Time Genius, an online course by one of my life mentors, Marie Forleo. I thought I was learning to manage time but I really discovered that I was learning to manage my life. One of…
When a Family member, that has always respected you before this “awful” phase of your life started, does one little thing or says one wrong word, you’re triggered! You run again into this shell of regret, self-pity and misery you’ve created for yourself. You read those statuses, it seems like…