Hello GDQ,
Yeeeeeeh…it’s another Feedback Friday, today, we get to hear feedback from one of our Domestic Queen whom I was privileged to mentor of recent, please meet my sister and friend Bukola Olalere as she shares her mentoring journey in this blog post.
My name is Bukola Olalere

Signing up for Gods Domestic Queen mentoring group with CoachE was what i needed at a phase of stretching and i needed to not feel comfortable with my present. I was super duper elated when i received a mail that i was shortlisted for the mentoring program.
I was added to the group and we all introduced ourselves and Coach E shared plans for each week and i knew it was time to leave my comfort zone.
Writing our confessions was something i was lazy to do but i was able to see how confessing can help us birth what we want to see.
To help us with writing our confessions, coach shared hers and we had an idea of what it should look like.
So incase a part of the scriptures jump at you, you can include it to your confession. Also words or messages from men of God.
I also learnt that i need to be sensitive to my season and teachers that i glean from per season.
Also i should look out for my teachers per time. Another interesting thing i learnt is using Gods word to pray. We should let our scriptures back up our prayers.

Having a prayer schedule is something i cannot let go again. So we can have prayer guide for the days of the week to help us know what to pray about and not allow our mind wonder off.
To speed up our productivity, we were paired with an accountability partner. One important and life changing moment for me was when coach shared Apostle Selman message on Spiritual stability part 2 and made us understand the importance of assigning time to our daily schedule.
Like i practically check time and my schedule to keep up with my daily activities and schedule.
Another thing i cannot forget is fasting and prayer time on zoom, the experience is always refreshing and i look forward to it.
Over all, i never regretted joining the GDQs group and did I say I got to meet amazing and fire brand mums that are intentional about becoming the best and going all out to achieve it.
Finally, Coach made me realise that as a GDQ we must not be redundant, we must continue to grow, read books and develop ourselves because we are raising giants.

Thank you Coach Eziaha.
Hope you were able to learn from today’s feedback and pick something to apply. Kindly share and post your comments as well, will love to hear from you.