That day, it was like the Holy Spirit took a define highlighter and said ‘…and I’ll save your children’ Isaiah 49:25b and I was wowed! And God said yes , that’s the assignment I have given to you, go and partner with my mothers to help them safe their children.
Shalom Shalom Moms. Welcome to today’s blog. Lol…

In this blog, we are going to be practical about what exactly to we put in our kids Lunch Box based on not only global standards but Nigerian standard because we actually have standards in Nigeria.
There’s a body called the National policy on Food and Nutrition in Nigeria and they have guidelines on what to put in your children plate. We are going to be discussing all of that today. If you are a Mum, Dad, Educator or whoever you are, you have something to learn here to take on and pass to our children because the goal is nourishing children so they can have flourishing futures. We want to raise Wellness Champions.

And of course I am excited about my Book Launch happening June 29,2024. I am also excited about everything else we are doing with this Wellness Revival. Whether it was the 2 days Wellness Revival we had in November, 2023 or the Lunch Box Purity Series where we interviewed global Educators and just hearing from them how we as parents can partner with Educators to bring healthier uncountable junk free Lunch Boxes. There’s a whole movement and we are excited about it. But now, let’s delve into what should be in your kiddos Lunch box.
Like I said earlier, there’s a body called National Policy on Food and Nutrition in Nigeria and they have a healthy plate guide which I put above. Literally, there’s a food pyramid in Nigeria let’s not even talk globally although they have theirs too. This covers SACs (School Age Children), PSACs (Preschool Age Children) that’s children before two and it goes right up until the elderly people. So it’s not for adults, it’s for a healthy generation. This is how we should be eating, but let’s zone in and focus on children.
“But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.”
Isaiah 49:25 KJV
The Lord told me recently at the time of recording this video. I was reading Isaiah 49 which is a daily confession of mine. So right towards the end of Isaiah 49 , it’s talks about captives of the mighty and all of them holding on and not letting the captives go. That’s something I pray over my coaching clients for weight loss. I tell them you are rescued from the jaws of FAT no matter how lawful you are , there’s going to be a rescue. And then, just at the end of that verse, I have said that scripture for years now as a personal confession and I recently began to include my citizens. That day, it was like the Holy Spirit took a define highlighter and said ‘…and I’ll save your children’ Isaiah 49:25b and I was wowed! And God said yes , that’s the assignment I have given to you, go and partner with my mothers to help them safe their children.
So that if the Lord says I’ll save your children, you don’t want to be the one jeopardizing the health of your children. You don’t want to be that, you partner with him to save your children. And guess what? The website I was checking that was giving me the details of the National policy on Food and Nutrition in Nigeria, guess the name? I am like what??? It was so beautiful! God is really out to save and deliver our children.
There’s a health crisis, a junk pandemic, childhood obesity and overweight are all problems globally. Every international body is shouting, Center for disease control, WHO, UNICEF the entire UNTIED NATIONS everyone is shouting so it’s not enough be just be giving our children anything that we want to give them. It’s no longer OK! And if you check my blog, Instagram, YouTube , LinkedIn and my media appearances I am constantly educating mums on how to feed our children better, we must feed to win. There’s no excuse anymore.
So what should be in your children’s Lunch box?
Number one, Water. You see all those drinks, I know they advertise them so well, they use children that look happy and they are even playing. They’d even tell you there are plenty multivitamins in it, it’s not true. I talked about it more here and the other thing UNICEF recommends.
The number two thing you need in their Lunch Box, which is in that plate I talked about from the Federal Government through the National Policy on Food and Nutrition in Nigeria. The biggest part of that plate you see is both Fruit and vegetables and Healthy carbohydrate you are required to have them everyday. One of our educators in the Lunch Box Purity Series talks about how children will open their Lunch box and it’ll look like they walked out of the junk aisle of a super market. I share more here.
Number three, you have healthy Proteins where you have milk, nuts and others proteins like egg, fish, meat, chicken, e.t.c I share a better preference of meat here.
I share more winning tips to create a healthy yummy junk free lunch boxes here. It’ll bless you so much. Happy reading and talk to you next time!
Health Mindset Coach