Saturday, April 16, 2016 is one day that I will never forget, not just in date but in impact. Actually, April 2016 is one month that completely changed the trajectory of my life. Friday, April 1, I encountered the woman that is PDDK for the very first time, and as…
I truly did love having Esther**(not real name) in. She was one of those with whom we could see fruit quickly, not just in changed situations but A CHANGED and CHANGING WOMAN Enjoy her review from the GWQ Academy And if you “dunno” what the Academy is about, let this…
I thank God for the mentoring program. It changed my perspective about being a SAHM. It made me realise that I could be purposeful and fulfill destiny, even as a stay-at-home mom. It brought Godfidence and Confidence back to me. I can boldly say I’m SAHM and not just buying…
Hello GDQ, Here is another feedback today, we get to hear feedback from one of our Domestic Queen again whom I was privileged to mentor of recent, please meet my sister and friend Tosin Oladele as she shares her mentoring journey in this blog post. Wow!!! I can’t believe its…