Hello GDQ,
Am sure you are having a blast with God just like we are here, don’t be left out. I recently concluded another mentoring with some of our GDQ and it was so awesome.
So here they come as they share their feedbacks, I trust you will also learn some things and apply it as well.
Today, I will like you to hear from Iyeh…..
Review of the mentorship program of GDQs with Eziaha.
My name is Iyeh Ugbo. It was truly an honour to be closely mentored by Eziaha on being a Domestic Queen. It was my second time applying and I was ecstatic the day I received a YES! I was looking forward to the next six weeks and all I would learn.
We started off with a prayer session and individual video call with Eziaha to be properly acquainted. From the call I pened down my expectations from the mentoring.
A review of the blog post 10,000 teachers on eziaha.com was our first task. I had read the post before but it’s interesting your perspective when you don’t read just casually but for knowledge and revelation. From the post I discovered with God’s help two areas of my life I needed work on immediately and the teacher that was to be my guide. Dealing with offence and resentment and having deeper conviction of my identity in Christ.
My teacher was Joyce Meyer. Her resources were spot on for me. The Holy Spirit is so accurate. I’m happy to report that I’m not the same person I was when I started.
The main focus of our six weeks was spirituality and productivity.
On the weeks we tackled spirituality, Eziaha taught on the need for a prayer schedule and strategy, bible study, always praying with the Word and confessions. These are catalyst for victory. I learnt that my prayer life should not be haphazard and disorganised but intentional and strategic. The Word of God is my sword and as I go to war in prayer I must be armed with it. The internet, research and study bibles has helped me to get scriptures that relate to what I’m praying for.
Keeping to a regular prayer schedule ensures that I am praying about those areas I need to. In this I’ve learnt to be flexible, my weekly schedule may not go as I’ve written it always but it’s subject to change by circumstance and the Holy Spirit. A prayer schedule however gives me structure and keeps me organised.
Another very important aspect of our journey under spirituality was confessions. Each GDQ shared theirs which they put together. I love mine, it may be long but it covers my entire life, family, marriage, hubbys career, home, kids, finance etc.
My confessions are backed up by Gods word and has positive affirmations. It inspires me, charges me up and just gives me such joy after reading. I don’t always feel like taking it though lol but I’m learning to do the right thing despite my feelings. I have to speak God’s word over my life and family if I want to see and experience real change in my circumstance. The confession is said with faith and conviction.
Now this section I truly love. I believe if I don’t get productivity right my spiritual life will suffer. I was lacking alot in discipline and structure in my life and home. We started off listening to a recording by Apostle Joshua Selman to put fire in our bones. His message centered on creating value systems that govern our lives, improving ourselves by self supervision and putting discipline in place for greatness.
I have been a stay home mom for a year and I have not been satisfied with the work I’ve put in. The diligence was not there or true faithfulness that can bring joy. I used to despise my home for all the work that goes in without a help and having my MIL living with us. All this still remains but it’s me whom God has changed. The Holy Spirit had to check me in this and by His grace I’m learning to love, nurture and cherish my home.
Under productivity, Eziaha shared with us her plan for a given day and explained. Every waking and sleeping hour was accounted for. Planning my day down to timings per activity was unfamiliar territory for me but it was just the stretch I needed to put structure in my life and achieve better. As I plan my day I’ve discovered that I’m not as tired, stressed and overwhelmed because I don’t put off what needs doing.
Work gets done at home, laundry, cleaning etc that used to pile up is cleared and I have more time for myself and family. My boys too go early to school now. Sometimes I don’t want to follow my plan but who procrastination and laziness help? Been doing that the whole year and bad fruits have come of it. At the end of the day after following my plan best as I can I have joy, peace and satisfaction. I cannot stick to a plan on my strength, I surrender my daily schedule to God and ask for his guidance on what to do each day and for the grace to see it through.
I was paired with an amazing woman on the group to keep me accountable. We shared with each other areas of our lives we needed to be held accountable for. I truly needed this as I can be known to slack. We call and chat regularly. I like that I could open up to a fellow stay home mom who before now was anonymous. We have a no judgment zone. Our relationship will still remain by Gods grace even after the mentorship.
At the beginning of the six weeks I wrote down what I wanted from this mentorship
– To be more disciplined in my walk with God
– To be intentional and consistent in learning and applying promptly what I learn
– To have a renewed sence of purpose for my life.
The first has been accomplished with regularly nightly quiet time and prayer. The second I have learnt and in the process of applying. The third expectation is my best, crowns it all. I’ve let go and trust God in this season of my life as his Domestic Queen. He has given me peace, strength and a reason to be joyful each day.
I cannot thank Him enough.
Thank you Mama E’ for your contribution as I become the best version of me and investing your time and knowledge in us all.
Hope you got something to learn from this feedback, will be delighted to have your comments and feedback as well.